Butterflies taste with their feet.
Some butterfly species only live a few days, however there are species known to live up to six months.
Monarch butterflies migrate every winter by flying more than 2500 miles, from Canada's side of Lake Huron, all the way down to Mexico. How they navigate is still an unsolved mystery.
Adult camels can drink 30 gallons (113 liters) of water in just 13 minutes.
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The South American Pudu deer is the smallest deer in the world. It measures 60 to 80 cm (23-31 inches) long. It's the only deer that can climb the trees.
Earth worms have on average five hearts and no lungs. They absorb oxygen through their skin.
All scorpions glow under UV light. The Emperor Scorpion in West Africa glows blue or green. UV lights are perfect for finding scorpions in a home.
An ostrich egg equals 24 chicken eggs, and can feed 12 people breakfast. They weigh about 3 pounds (1.4kg).