The first known recipe for making gingerbread dates back to 2400 B.C in the Greek island of Rhodes.
Originally biscuits were baked twice, leaving them very hard and almost tasteless. "Bis" comes from Latin meaning "twice," and "cuit" from French meaning "baked."
The most commonly used pepper in the world is black pepper, also known as "The King of Spices." Hippocrates considered pepper to be more of a medicine than a spice.
Rice and corn are the top most eaten foods in the world. About 3 billion people eat rice each day.
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Canned food was invented in 1810 in order to supply Napoleon's army. The modern version of the can opener was invented 60 years later.
Wheat is the most traded crop in the world. It's grown on more than 500 million acres (2 million square km) of land.
French people eat 2 million eclairs every single day. It was invented in France where it was originally called "Pains à la duchesse."
The world biggest restaurant buffet organized in November, 2010 by Art of Living Foundation in India offered more than 5000 different dishes.
Found off the coast of Brazil, Snake Island is one of the deadliest places on earth. On average there is a snake every 3 square feet (one per square meter), which is around 430,000 snakes!