Hyenas have exceptional strength. Their heart is twice the size of a lion's heart.
The biggest animal ever known to live on Earth is the Titanosaurus. It measured 140ft (40m) long and 65ft (20m) tall.
Rainforests are home to more than 30 million animal and plant species. That's half of the wildlife on Earth.
The blue whale is the loudest animal on earth. A blue whale call can travel hundreds of miles across the water, and it is louder than an F18 jet fighter.
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The squirrel's tail has many uses; it can be used as blanket, a parachute, a way to balance and a way to communicate. By flicking their tail toward another animal they are saying "Go away!"
The mosquito is the most dangerous animal in the world, accounting for one to two million fatalities each year. By comparison, bears only cause five to fen fatalities per year.
If the hair on your body was longer and thicker like animal fur, having goosebumps would fluff up your fur coat and make your hairs stand up. It would also provide more insulation to keep you warmer.
Some Reindeer travel further than any other animal on Earth. They can travel more than 60,000 miles in their lifetime; that's more than twice the distance around the world.
All scorpions glow under UV light. The Emperor Scorpion in West Africa glows blue or green. UV lights are perfect for finding scorpions in a home.
An ostrich egg equals 24 chicken eggs, and can feed 12 people breakfast. They weigh about 3 pounds (1.4kg).