Polar bear fur is transparent, it just looks like it's white because it reflects sunlight.
When Polar Bear cubs are born they weigh only about a pound and half (600 grams). They can eventually grow to an astonishing 2000 lbs (907 kg).
The city of Churchill in Manitoba, Canda, uses helicopters and armed volunteers to surround the city and defend it from Polar bears during Halloween trick or treat night. Noise markers, rubber bullets and even bear traps are used.
The arctic fox has the best insulating fur of all mammals.
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The arctic ground squirrel hibernates at 26 degrees Fahrenheit (-3 Celsius), the lowest temperature ever recorded in any live mammal. Despite the frigid temperature, it's blood continues to flow without freezing.
Cloud leopards have spots on their fur that look like clouds.
All scorpions glow under UV light. The Emperor Scorpion in West Africa glows blue or green. UV lights are perfect for finding scorpions in a home.