Humans have 33 vertebrae in the spine. Snakes can have up to 400 vertebrae, with ribs attached to each one.
The smallest bone in the human body is found in the middle ear. It is called the staples bone, and it measures 2.8 millimeters long.
A dolphin's flipper is made up of five distinct bone structures, similar to that of a human hand.
At Dinosaur Ridge in Colorado state, you can hike on a 1.5 mile (2.4 km) trail of dinosaur footprints. There are 300 footprints embedded in the ground.
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Chopping up onions activates a chemical reaction that releases sulfur gas. Water in the human eye reacts with sulfur gas to create sulfuric acid. Although the amount of acid is very small, it's enough to cause a burning sensation in the eye.
Found off the coast of Brazil, Snake Island is one of the deadliest places on earth. On average there is a snake every 3 square feet (one per square meter), which is around 430,000 snakes!