The microwave was invented by accident in 1945, when an engineer working close to high powered radars noticed the candy bar in his pocket had melted.
There is always an even number of rows on a corn cob.
In the 1830's ketchup was marketed as a medicine for an upset stomach and rheumatism.
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Scientific studies suggest that eating a handful of pistachio nuts per day helps reduce cholesterol and maintain a healthy heart.
The Banana tree is not really a tree, it is actually a giant herb plant. It can grow up to 25 feet tall, making it the largest herb in the world.
Cube shaped watermelons in Japan cost two to three times the normal price, about $90US. Their cube shape helps to save space in the fridge.
25 tons of sea weed is needed to produce 15kg of iodine.
One pistachio tree can produce 50,000 nuts each year.
More than 1000 chemical components contribute to the taste and flavor of coffee.
Originally biscuits were baked twice, leaving them very hard and almost tasteless. "Bis" comes from Latin meaning "twice," and "cuit" from French meaning "baked."
The human body cannot produce vitamin C, an essential nutrient. To ensure adequate levels of vitamin C it must be consumed daily.
Around 40 billion coffee cups are consumed each year. Despite the enormous number of coffee cups, tea is the #1 most consumed beverage.
The world biggest restaurant buffet organized in November, 2010 by Art of Living Foundation in India offered more than 5000 different dishes.
Wheat is the most traded crop in the world. It's grown on more than 500 million acres (2 million square km) of land.
The first store in USA to sell Pizza was Lombard's Pizza restaurant in New York City. When it opened in 1905, you could buy a whole pizza for 5 cents.
Rice and corn are the top most eaten foods in the world. About 3 billion people eat rice each day.