Latest fun facts.
Snow leopards can use their tail as a blanket, wrapping it around their body to keep warm. It's a good thing to have in cold climates where temperatures may dip as low as -40°C (-40° F).
Lamborghini started out as a tractor builder. When the owner bought a Ferrari and kept having problems with it, Enzo Ferrari dismissed his complaints in a rude manner. It was at that point Lamborghini decided to make the perfect car. Ferrari never spoke with him again.
Rice and corn are the top most eaten foods in the world. About 3 billion people eat rice each day.
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Lava inside a volcano may reach temperatures higher than 1150° C (2100° F). That's hot enough to melt gold.
The Great Barrier Reef was discovered by captain James Cook, when his ship crashed into it. It took 7 weeks to repair his badly damaged ship.
There are more people in the world who speak Spanish as a first-language than English. There are even more who speak Chinese, the leading first-language in the world with 1.2 billion speakers.
Unlike AM and FM radio, shortwave radio stations can be heard thousands of miles away, even around the world under the right conditions. The most powerful stations may use up to 500,000 watts to broadcast their signal around the world.
Mosquitoes love the scent of stinky feet. Cleaning your feet before being around mosquitoes helps to avoid being bitten.
In ancient times doctors used spiderwebs to make bandages for their patients.
Hail stones can sometimes contain pebbles, insects and even nuts. Large hailstones fall faster than 100 miles per hour.
Lady bugs eat up to 5,000 tiny insects during their life. They reduce plant pests and pesticide use dramatically.
The biggest beluga whale gathering happens every summer in Canada's Hudson Bay, near the city of Churchil. About 60,000 belugas gather to molt and reproduce.
About 98% of the thoughts you have each day are the same thoughts you had the previous day.
The hair on your head has a lifespan between 2 to 7 years. At the end of it's life, the hair strand will fall out and another will start growing in it's place.
The Arctic's Woolly Bear Caterpillar freezes solid every winter for 14 years, until it has consumed enough food to form a cocoon and turn into a moth. It has the longest life of all butterflies and moths.
Butterflies taste with their feet.