Latest fun facts.
Your nose contributes to taste more than your tongue. Around 80% of taste is actually coming from your smell receptors. Hold your nose when you eat something and you'll see it's 'taste' will not be as strong.
The smallest bone in the human body is found in the middle ear. It is called the staples bone, and it measures 2.8 millimeters long.
Fire ants can build living floating rafts. When flooded, they grab onto each other using their jaws and sticky legs, forming a circular floating raft.
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The human brain receives 400 million bits (47 Megabytes) of information every second. Of those, we are only consciously aware of 2000 bits (0.0002 megabytes).
Of all the thoughts you have throughout the day, 95% or more come from the subconscious mind.
Brazil is the largest country in South America, and 5th largest in the world. It's land area accounts for almost half of the entire South American continent.
The RMS Titanic was the largest ship afloat at the time it was launched, weighing 112 million pounds. That's the same weight as 16 billion pennies.
The largest shopping mall in North America is located in Edmonton, Canada. It is more than 5 million square feet, and attracts more than 32 million visitors each year. It also has a Bitcoin ATM machine.
The Wandering Albatross is the bird with largest wingspan in the world, measuring just over 8 feet. The great wingspan allows this bird to glide for hours without having to flap it's wings.
The footwear company Nike was named after Nike the Greek goddess of victory.
Hummingbirds can fly up, down, left, right, forward, backward, and upside down too!
Despite the popular myth, it's impossible to seriously injure somebody by dropping penny from an airplane or a tall building. The penny is not very aerodynamic and it doesn't have enough mass to cause damage (only about 3 grams). The worst it could do is cause a sting on the victim's head.
It is estimated that 50 to 70 percent of all the oxygen in our atmosphere comes from algae and bacteria found in our oceans. Trees and plants only account for about 20% of the total oxygen produced.
The speed of sound in water is about four times faster than in air. Since water is more dense than air, sound travels with greater ease.
Contrary to popular belief, we have more than five senses. We are able to feel heat from a distance, sense where our body parts are and maintain equilibrium when standing, we can sense when we are itchy, tense, and hungry.
If the hair on your body was longer and thicker like animal fur, having goosebumps would fluff up your fur coat and make your hairs stand up. It would also provide more insulation to keep you warmer.