Latest fun facts.
The city of Hamburg, Germany has more bridges within it's city limits than any other city in the world; a total of about 2300. Amsterdam has about 1200 bridges and Venice about 400.
Mars has the tallest mountain known in our solar system, known as Olympus Mons. The mountain rises a whopping 16.8 miles (or 27 kilometers).
The sailfish is the fastest fish in the world, capable of reaching speeds of 68 miles per hour (110 km/h).
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The world's longest railroad spans more than 8,000 miles. It takes 21 days to travel from start to finish, beginning in China and ending in Spain.
Contrary to what many people think, the earth is the closest to the sun in the middle of winter. It is not the distance, but the tilt of the earth that causes the temperature changes of the seasons.
The world's biggest food fight takes place during the annual "La tomatina" festival in Valencia, Spain. It uses more than 150,000 tomatoes, and lasts for one hour.
There are no words in the English language that rhyme with silver, orange, or purple.
If you save 400 dollars every month, it will take more than 200 years to become a millionaire.
The Tennessee Aquarium is home to Electric Miguel, an electric eel with a Twitter account. He sends out tweets by generating high voltage electrical discharges.
On average, humans release 2 liters of gas per day by burping and farting.
The bullet ant inflicts the most painful sting of all insects. One sting feels like being shot by a bullet.
The Banana tree is not really a tree, it is actually a giant herb plant. It can grow up to 25 feet tall, making it the largest herb in the world.
The day Saturday is named after the planet Saturn, which in turn was named after the Roman god of agriculture, Saturn.
In the early automotive days, levers or handle bars similar to bicycles were used to steer cars.
The coldest temperature ever recorded on our planet is -89.2 °C (-128.6 °F). It was recorded in Antarctica, the coldest, driest, windiest and highest continent on Earth.
The first store in USA to sell Pizza was Lombard's Pizza restaurant in New York City. When it opened in 1905, you could buy a whole pizza for 5 cents.