Latest fun facts.
Eremologists study things in deserts, such as desert plants and animals. Enigmatology is the study of Puzzles. Fromology is the study of cheese.
Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system. The surface temperature on Venus is a burning 461.85 °C (863.33 °F). On Pluto it is so cold that liquid nitrogen turns to solid! Pluto's estimated surface temperature is around -228°C (-378°F).
The stomping effects in the song "We Will Rock You" by Queen were created by the band themselves clapping and stomping. They then recorded the sound over itself (overdubbed) with delays to make it sound like many people are clapping and stomping.
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Most of today's color laser printers include hidden information within your printout, including the serial number of the printer, date, and time of printing.
Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on Earth; it also has thousands of uses. It can be used to make rope, paper, flooring, furniture, scaffolding, houses, bridges, and much much more.
Most people wrongly believe that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. He improved the existing light bulb at the time, and he invented the electrical delivery system.
The highest flying bird in the world is the Ruppell's Griffon vulture. It has been spotted flying at 37,000 feet, an altitude that only the most sophisticated jet planes can reach.
Van Gogh sold only one painting during his lifetime. It sold for what would be now about $1,000 US dollars. By comparison, in 1990 one of his paintings sold for $82.5 million US dollars.
The first man in space boarded the Russian spacecraft Vostok 1 in April 12, 1961 with a 50-50 chance of survival. The spacecraft orbited the earth for one hour and 48 minutes and returned successfully.
In the old days sharpened feathers dabbed with ink were used for writing. We now use a "pen" whose naming comes from the Latin word "penna" meaning feather.
The state flag of Alaska was designed by a 13 year old boy named Benny Benson. His design was one of 700 submitted in a contest for the best flag.
The world's first ski lift was inspired by a mechanism used to lift bananas onto boats.
Black Ivory Coffee produced by the Black Ivory Coffee Company is made from beans picked out of elephant dung. It is one of the most expensive coffees in the world, selling for more than $300USD a pound.
The ocean sunfish can lay up to 300 million eggs at a time. Being the heaviest bony fish in the world, their weight may reach 2,200lbs (1,000kg).
The american bull frog makes three distinct calls, one of them is used to indicate a fight is about to start.
Antarctica is the biggest desert on Earth. A desert is an area which receives less than 10 inches (250 millimeters) of rain per year, regardless of temperature.