Latest fun facts.
Atolls are produced by the growth of tropical marine organisms. These type of islands are only found in warm tropical waters. It can take up to 30 million years to form an atoll.
There is a town in Canada called Dildo. It won the 2001 Harrowsmith Magazine Award as one of the ten prettiest small towns in Canada.
The Statue of Liberty was built and assembled for the first time in Paris France. After assembly it was taken apart and shipped to New York where it was assembled for the second time.
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Japan is the "vending machine capital of the world." Beer, whiskey, cigarettes, underwear, sausages, rice, eggs and potted plants are just a few of the many items you'd find in Japanese vending machines.
The distance from the Earth to the sun is 92 million miles (146 million km). Even at the incredible speed of light, it takes 8 minutes for the sun's light rays to reach us once they leave the sun.
The cheetah is the fastest of all land animals, being able to reach speeds of up to 68 mph (110km/h).
Rats use their tail to regulate body temperature. Increasing blood flow to their tail cools them down while decreasing it conserves their warmth.
Since spiders can't climb out of sinks some people put up a spider ladder to help them climb out. When they wake up in the morning, there won't be any spiders waiting in the sink.
The mosquito is the most dangerous animal in the world, accounting for one to two million fatalities each year. By comparison, bears only cause five to fen fatalities per year.
Male dolphins are called bulls, female dolphins are called cows and baby dolphins are called calves.
A dolphin's flipper is made up of five distinct bone structures, similar to that of a human hand.
Ferrets are closely related to skunks. They sleep a lot, usually 14 to 18 hours a day, and are most active between dawn and dusk.
Some butterfly species only live a few days, however there are species known to live up to six months.
Baleen whales don't have ears, they hear through the vibrations picked up by the bones in their skull.
A cat's tongue consists of small "hooks" also known as papillae.