Latest fun facts.
Studies show that traffic and air pollution are to blame for 12% of heart attacks worldwide.
Small song and swallow birds fly for two days across the Sahara desert every year to reach their breeding ground in Europe.
Kites were invented more than 3000 years ago, in ancient China, and used in battles to frighten the enemy.
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Silver ants reflect light, allowing them to be the only creatures active during peak hot hours in the Sahara desert. Their reflective skin allows them to stay in the sun up to 10 minutes at a time.
The Sahara desert is commonly thought to be made up of mostly sand, when in fact sand barely covers 15% of this massive area. The rest is covered by rock and mountainous terrain.
More than 1.5 million seeds of various plants from around the world are stored at the Svalbard global seed vault in Norway. To ensure the safety of the seeds, it was built inside a tunnel carved under a mountain.
Wheat is the most traded crop in the world. It's grown on more than 500 million acres (2 million square km) of land.
There are more than 350 species of hummingbirds in the world.
Hummingbirds do everything fast. In just one minute they can flap their wings 50 times, have their heart beat 1200 times, and take 250 breaths of air.
Marlin fish found in the Atlantic ocean are big and fast. They weigh up 1,400lbs (630kg) and can swim 50 miles per hour (80km/h). Their pointy spear helps them hunt tuna and mackerel.
Chipmunks need to keep their fur clean. They take showers with wood and sand dust, the perfect chipmunk shampoo for oily hair.
Earth worms have on average five hearts and no lungs. They absorb oxygen through their skin.
To take off, pelicans need a running start, similar to planes. They build up speed by hopping forward few times, on land and on water.
Cloud leopards have spots on their fur that look like clouds.
While hunting, snow leopards can leap up to 30 feet (9 meters) and land right on their target.
Polar bear fur is transparent, it just looks like it's white because it reflects sunlight.