Latest fun facts.
The tongue of an Anteater can grow longer than the size it's head.
Dalmatian puppies are born completely white. Their spots appear a few weeks later.
The arctic fox has the best insulating fur of all mammals.
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Canned food was invented in 1810 in order to supply Napoleon's army. The modern version of the can opener was invented 60 years later.
Indus river dolphins sleep in very short intervals, lasting at most one minute. Strong river currents require them to keep swimming, allowing little time for sleep.
Essential fatty acids are called 'essential' because our bodies need them on a regular basis. They are found in foods rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6, including fish, flax seeds, nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and leafy vegetables.
Container ships loose more than 10,000 containers per year. There are hundreds of thousands of containers at the bottom of the world's oceans.
400 million tons of hazardous waste are produced every year by industries across the world.
The biggest garbage patch in the world is found in the Pacific Ocean. It's made up of tiny plastic particles which can't be seen, but pose danger to all marine life. By preventing reflecting sunlight the plastic starves the algae and plankton living below.
In 1883 the world was covered by volcanic ash, causing an effect known as "the equatorial smoke cloud." The ash was produced in Indonesia by the world's biggest volcanic chain eruption ever.
Elephants have the longest pregnancy of all mammals, 22 months long.
1816 is known as "The Year Without Summer." Failed crops caused famines across the globe. The cold weather was caused by a massive eruption of mount Tambora in Indonesia.
The world's most expensive biscuit was found in lifeboat survival kit from the H.M.S Titanic. It auctioned for about $22,000 USD.
In North America black cats are considered to bring bad luck while in Japan they are considered to bring good luck.
The earth spins around the sun at 66,480 miles/h (107,000 km/h). It takes a year to travel completely around, a distance of 584 million miles (940 million kilometers).
Beluga Caviar one of the most expensive food in the world. A large tin can sells for about $35,000 US Dollars.