The warthog wild pig can live in the dry season for months without drinking any water.
The cheetah is the fastest of all land animals, being able to reach speeds of up to 68 mph (110km/h).
The Arctic's Woolly Bear Caterpillar freezes solid every winter for 14 years, until it has consumed enough food to form a cocoon and turn into a moth. It has the longest life of all butterflies and moths.
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Elephants have the longest pregnancy of all mammals, 22 months long.
The fur of sea otters can have more than 650,000 strands of hair per square inch. It helps to keep them insulated while swimming in cold waters.
The tongue of an Anteater can grow longer than the size it's head.
The squirrel's tail has many uses; it can be used as blanket, a parachute, a way to balance and a way to communicate. By flicking their tail toward another animal they are saying "Go away!"
Woodpeckers can peck wood up to 20 times per second. Their beaks grow constantly to compensate for the wear and tear of pecking, which can add up to 12,000 pecks per day.
The highest flying bird in the world is the Ruppell's Griffon vulture. It has been spotted flying at 37,000 feet, an altitude that only the most sophisticated jet planes can reach.
Out of all creatures on Earth the Giant Squid has the largest eyes; one eye can be as big as 11 inches (28 cm) across.
Salmon can jump vertically up to 3.6 meters (12 feet). To get back to their birthplace and reproduce, they sometimes jump over small dams and even waterfalls.
While hunting, snow leopards can leap up to 30 feet (9 meters) and land right on their target.
Male dolphins are called bulls, female dolphins are called cows and baby dolphins are called calves.
The sailfish is the fastest fish in the world, capable of reaching speeds of 68 miles per hour (110 km/h).
In North America black cats are considered to bring bad luck while in Japan they are considered to bring good luck.
Dragonflies use 80% of their brainpower just to process vision signals. They are capable of seeing everything around them without moving their eyes.