Some butterfly species only live a few days, however there are species known to live up to six months.
The arctic ground squirrel hibernates at 26 degrees Fahrenheit (-3 Celsius), the lowest temperature ever recorded in any live mammal. Despite the frigid temperature, it's blood continues to flow without freezing.
The Eumillipes Persephone is a millipede that has a recording setting 1,306 legs. It stands true to it's name “Millipede” which means “a thousand feet.” No other millipede has more 1000 legs.
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Ferrets are closely related to skunks. They sleep a lot, usually 14 to 18 hours a day, and are most active between dawn and dusk.
The american bull frog makes three distinct calls, one of them is used to indicate a fight is about to start.
Elephants can swim with their head completely under water and their trunk just above the water surface for breathing, similar to a snorkel.
Rats use their tail to regulate body temperature. Increasing blood flow to their tail cools them down while decreasing it conserves their warmth.