Indus river dolphins sleep in very short intervals, lasting at most one minute. Strong river currents require them to keep swimming, allowing little time for sleep.
Every year 50,000 square miles of forest are lost, enough to cover the entire state of Pennsylvania.
Octopuses don't have tentacles, they have eight arms. Arms are more versatile than tentacles and can perform much finer movements.
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The planet Venus is the only planet named after a female; it was named after the Roman goddess of love. It is so similar in size, weight and composition that it is sometimes called the Earth's twin.
The world's longest living known spider died in 2018 at the age of 43 in Australia. She lived in the same burrow her entire life.
In 1883 the world was covered by volcanic ash, causing an effect known as "the equatorial smoke cloud." The ash was produced in Indonesia by the world's biggest volcanic chain eruption ever.
There are no words in the English language that rhyme with silver, orange, or purple.
The biggest garbage patch in the world is found in the Pacific Ocean. It's made up of tiny plastic particles which can't be seen, but pose danger to all marine life. By preventing reflecting sunlight the plastic starves the algae and plankton living below.
About 10% of plastic made every year ends up being dumped into the ocean.
The warthog wild pig can live in the dry season for months without drinking any water.
Elephants have the longest pregnancy of all mammals, 22 months long.
The Arctic's Woolly Bear Caterpillar freezes solid every winter for 14 years, until it has consumed enough food to form a cocoon and turn into a moth. It has the longest life of all butterflies and moths.
The cheetah is the fastest of all land animals, being able to reach speeds of up to 68 mph (110km/h).
The pineapple starts out as a multi-fruit by producing up to 200 flowers. The flowers turn into interlocking spirals of berries and attach to the stem. They are typically arranged in a 8 by 13 matrix, both numbers being part of the Fibonacci sequence.
All the gold that has been mined in the world adds up to about four Olympic sized swimming pools.
The tongue of an Anteater can grow longer than the size it's head.