The fur of sea otters can have more than 650,000 strands of hair per square inch. It helps to keep them insulated while swimming in cold waters.
More than 1.6 million trees are cut down every day to fuel the tobacco industry. Burning wood is used to dry the tobacco leaves. On average, one tree is cut down for every 300 cigarettes.
Mark Twain had a cat that enjoyed stuffing itself inside the corner pocket of his billiards table and paw away at any balls that came close.
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Woodpeckers can peck wood up to 20 times per second. Their beaks grow constantly to compensate for the wear and tear of pecking, which can add up to 12,000 pecks per day.
The squirrel's tail has many uses; it can be used as blanket, a parachute, a way to balance and a way to communicate. By flicking their tail toward another animal they are saying "Go away!"
The Popsicle was accidentally invented by Frank Eperson when he forgot his fruit soda outside with a stir stick in it during winter. He called it the Epsicle, which was later renamed to Popsicle.
The first known recipe for making gingerbread dates back to 2400 B.C in the Greek island of Rhodes.
Bill Gates started his first company Traf-O-Data when was he 14 years old. It made $20,000 USD profit in it's first year of operation.
There are over 100 flavors of ice cream in the world, from cookie dough to bacon. The best selling, accounting for about 1/3 of all ice cream sold is vanilla flavored.
Found off the coast of Brazil, Snake Island is one of the deadliest places on earth. On average there is a snake every 3 square feet (one per square meter), which is around 430,000 snakes!
In Australia torn money are valued by the percentage of the banknote remaining. Half of a $20 bill is valued at $10. Banknotes must be greater than 20% of the original size to have any value. If a banknote is 80% or greater in size it is worth the full value.
While hunting, snow leopards can leap up to 30 feet (9 meters) and land right on their target.
Salmon can jump vertically up to 3.6 meters (12 feet). To get back to their birthplace and reproduce, they sometimes jump over small dams and even waterfalls.
In the early automotive days, levers or handle bars similar to bicycles were used to steer cars.
Out of all creatures on Earth the Giant Squid has the largest eyes; one eye can be as big as 11 inches (28 cm) across.
The highest flying bird in the world is the Ruppell's Griffon vulture. It has been spotted flying at 37,000 feet, an altitude that only the most sophisticated jet planes can reach.