The first living creature in outer space was a female Samoyed husky dog named Laika. She was launched aboard the Russian spacecraft Sputnik 2 on November 3rd, 1957.
The first man in space boarded the Russian spacecraft Vostok 1 in April 12, 1961 with a 50-50 chance of survival. The spacecraft orbited the earth for one hour and 48 minutes and returned successfully.
Tsukiji Market in Tokyo Japan is the biggest fish market in the world. Rare fish like the Bluefin Tuna is sometimes auctioned there for more than one million US dollars.
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Small song and swallow birds fly for two days across the Sahara desert every year to reach their breeding ground in Europe.
Of all the thoughts you have throughout the day, 95% or more come from the subconscious mind.
Humans have 33 vertebrae in the spine. Snakes can have up to 400 vertebrae, with ribs attached to each one.
In 1981, the people of Naphlion, Greece were stunned at the sight of frogs falling from the sky. The tiny critters were carried by strong winds all the way from North Africa, more than 1,000 miles away.
From 1975 to 1980 it was illegal to use money in Cambodia.
The world biggest wedding cake weighs 15,000 pounds (6,800 kg).
There are an average of 44,000 thunderstorms on earth every day. 16 million per year.
Each main cable in San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge is made of 27,572 individual thinner wires. It took 80,000 miles (128,748km) of wire to make up each cable, which has a final diameter of 36.3 inches (92.4cm).
In Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, there are no light switches or water taps. Light and water are motion activated, helping to cut their usage in half.
Is estimated that about 2000 different kinds of musical instruments exist in the world. There are four main categories woodwind, brass, string and percussion, with hundreds of instruments in each category.
The Sahara desert is commonly thought to be made up of mostly sand, when in fact sand barely covers 15% of this massive area. The rest is covered by rock and mountainous terrain.
If you took the DNA strands out of all the cells in your body and stretched them out in a single line, they would circle the earth five million times.
Almost half the population of Hong Kong lives in an apartment that is on the 15th floor or higher.