Container ships loose more than 10,000 containers per year. There are hundreds of thousands of containers at the bottom of the world's oceans.
Chipmunks need to keep their fur clean. They take showers with wood and sand dust, the perfect chipmunk shampoo for oily hair.
Lightning bolts strike Earth about 8 million times every 24 hours. That's around 100 lighting strikes each second.
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The biggest animal ever known to live on Earth is the Titanosaurus. It measured 140ft (40m) long and 65ft (20m) tall.
Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on Earth; it also has thousands of uses. It can be used to make rope, paper, flooring, furniture, scaffolding, houses, bridges, and much much more.
The world fastest unassisted swim across the English Channel is 6 hours and 58 minutes. The distance is approximately 33km (21 miles). Due to the currents, the actual swimming distance is much longer.
It takes 100,000 years for a space ship traveling at the speed of light to travel our galaxy (the Milky Way) from one end to the other.
In most of Europe and United States a black cat crossing your path is considered a bad omen, while in Japan, Australia and UK it's considered good luck.
The American space shuttle is the most complex machine ever built. It is made up of 2.5 million parts and it's engines produced 44 million horsepower on takeoff. The space shuttle program closed on July 21, 2011, after having brought 3 millions pounds of cargo into space.
The southern elephant seal is the world largest seal. It can dive more than 3300 feet (1 km) while hunting for fish.
Snow leopards can use their tail as a blanket, wrapping it around their body to keep warm. It's a good thing to have in cold climates where temperatures may dip as low as -40°C (-40° F).
The Bee Hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae) weighs approximately 1.8 grams, less than a U.S. penny. It is the smallest bird in the world, measuring just 2.2 inches long.
Driving on the left side of the road originates from the middle ages, when people held a sword in their right hand. To defend yourself against a possible enemy, the opposite traffic was on your right.
Rice and corn are the top most eaten foods in the world. About 3 billion people eat rice each day.
Despite the popular myth, it's impossible to seriously injure somebody by dropping penny from an airplane or a tall building. The penny is not very aerodynamic and it doesn't have enough mass to cause damage (only about 3 grams). The worst it could do is cause a sting on the victim's head.
"Lead" pencils don't actually contain any lead. The core is made out of graphite, a form of carbon that was mistakenly thought to be a type of lead when it was discovered in the 16th century.